Friday, September 13, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 128: Room roundup 4

 Here's the previews from this week's work. Kinda slow going this time.

Room 45: Snake-man x3, urns w/ 900 CP
- 3 Snake-men guard the numerous urns that’re neatly stacked against the W wall.
   - Snake-man: HD:2, AC:16, ATK: Claw/Weapon (1d6), SAVE:13, MOVE:12 (40 ft.), XP:20
      -Snake-men are humanoid snakes. Strips of shed snake-skin hang from their bodies. They wield primitive weapons.
- If searched, the strange urns contain ashes, bone fragments, and a total of 900 CP in loose coinage.

Room 71: unidentifiable corpse
- An open sarcophagus embedded in the S wall contains the mummified remains of … something. The layers of decaying bandages and thick patches of mold and grime make it impossible to tell what this thing was before it died.

Room 14: dust clouds 
- A subtle draft constantly whips up the dust in this room, creating low-lying clouds of the stuff.

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