Friday, September 6, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 127: Room roundup 3

 Here's this week's room previews. So far these have been from the very first area (an abandoned mine), but I'm gonna start jumping around to try and avoid getting burnt out too fast.

Room 5: stuck door, flooding trap
- The door to this chamber is stuck closed, as directly behind it are numerous supports from a hasty attempt at shoring up the ceiling.
   - Treat this like a trap. A Thief can detect why the door is stuck and can remove the door entirely with a successful disarm attempt.
   -Forcing the door open causes the supports to fail and the ceiling to partially cave in, flooding the room with swamp water. The initial torrent snuffs torches, soaks equipment, and deals 1d6 damage to anyone in the S corridor.
      -The water eventually stops within 24 hours, leaving the following rooms flooded with knee-deep swamp water: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38.

Room 23: force wall
- A shimmering wall of magical force bisects the room, from the NW corner to the SE corner.
   -The force wall resists all attempts to breach it, and Dispel Magic is needed to nullify it for good (the dispel attempt is always successful in this case).

Room 47: large brazier, 2500 GP
- This small room is dominated by the large brass brazier set up in the center. It’s covered in intricate scrollwork designs, and although blackened by heavy use and cracked in places, it’s still worth 2500 GP. It also weighs about 800 lbs and is 6 feet wide, so getting it back to town could be an ordeal.

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