Thursday, September 19, 2024

Emergency Hiatus

I've got a family emergency going on right now. I don't know how busy I'm gonna be or how long it's gonna be, but I'm not gonna be able to focus on the dungeon or do updates for a little while. I'll let you know when I get back.

Friday, September 13, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 128: Room roundup 4

 Here's the previews from this week's work. Kinda slow going this time.

Room 45: Snake-man x3, urns w/ 900 CP
- 3 Snake-men guard the numerous urns that’re neatly stacked against the W wall.
   - Snake-man: HD:2, AC:16, ATK: Claw/Weapon (1d6), SAVE:13, MOVE:12 (40 ft.), XP:20
      -Snake-men are humanoid snakes. Strips of shed snake-skin hang from their bodies. They wield primitive weapons.
- If searched, the strange urns contain ashes, bone fragments, and a total of 900 CP in loose coinage.

Room 71: unidentifiable corpse
- An open sarcophagus embedded in the S wall contains the mummified remains of … something. The layers of decaying bandages and thick patches of mold and grime make it impossible to tell what this thing was before it died.

Room 14: dust clouds 
- A subtle draft constantly whips up the dust in this room, creating low-lying clouds of the stuff.

Friday, September 6, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 127: Room roundup 3

 Here's this week's room previews. So far these have been from the very first area (an abandoned mine), but I'm gonna start jumping around to try and avoid getting burnt out too fast.

Room 5: stuck door, flooding trap
- The door to this chamber is stuck closed, as directly behind it are numerous supports from a hasty attempt at shoring up the ceiling.
   - Treat this like a trap. A Thief can detect why the door is stuck and can remove the door entirely with a successful disarm attempt.
   -Forcing the door open causes the supports to fail and the ceiling to partially cave in, flooding the room with swamp water. The initial torrent snuffs torches, soaks equipment, and deals 1d6 damage to anyone in the S corridor.
      -The water eventually stops within 24 hours, leaving the following rooms flooded with knee-deep swamp water: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38.

Room 23: force wall
- A shimmering wall of magical force bisects the room, from the NW corner to the SE corner.
   -The force wall resists all attempts to breach it, and Dispel Magic is needed to nullify it for good (the dispel attempt is always successful in this case).

Room 47: large brazier, 2500 GP
- This small room is dominated by the large brass brazier set up in the center. It’s covered in intricate scrollwork designs, and although blackened by heavy use and cracked in places, it’s still worth 2500 GP. It also weighs about 800 lbs and is 6 feet wide, so getting it back to town could be an ordeal.

Friday, August 30, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 126: Room roundup 2

Got another set of room previews here. Kinda slow this week. Turns out writing is kinda hard.

Room 28: ball bearing trap
- Numerous buckets filled with ball bearings hang from the ceiling, attached to some delicate support beams. Left alone, they’ll stay put. But any fiddling or attempts to disarm the trap will cause all the buckets to fall, scattering ball bearings along the floor and making enough racket to attract a wandering monster.
   - Moving across the ball bearings at any pace faster than ½ a character’s combat movement rate requires a successful save per round to avoid falling. Running characters and monsters automatically fall. A successful DEX roll is needed to stand up again.

Room 27: makeshift cookroom
-A cooking pot, a pair of frying pans, a wooden spoon, and a few bowls lie neatly organized next to a fire-pit. 

Room 3: Bandit Bug x1
- A single Bandit Bug occupies this room, meandering in a circle
   - Bandit Bug: HD:2, AC:16, ATK: Weapon (1d6), SAVE:13, MOVE:9 (30 ft.), XP:20
      - A Bandit Bug is a bipedal cockroach a bit shorter than a human. They instinctively clad themselves in rags and armor and wield weapons, but are only intelligent enough to gurgle mimicked words. Rolls to track them or find their lair are at -4.

Friday, August 23, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 125: Room Roundup 1

 Here's the first batch of room previews. Use them for inspiration, steal wholesale, whatever. I don't give a shit.

Room 1: Strung bells
- Someone has strung bells, chimes, and bits of metal all around this room. If disturbed, the noise attracts the attention of a wandering monster, as well as the monsters in Room 2 (if not already dealt with).
- A successful DEX roll is needed to navigate the room without touching any of the bells.

Room 2: Grogin x5, egg sack hiding 2 gems (carnelians, 2400 GP ea.)
- 5 Grogins nest in this room, quietly chittering as they tend to an egg sack in the center.
   - Grogin: HD:2, AC:16, ATK: Claw (2d6), SAVE:13, MOVE:6 (20 ft.), XP:20
- Grogins are man-sized insects with limbs made of plant matter and a metallic shell. They are fond of eating elves. 
- If cut open and searched (which takes a turn and is very messy), the egg sack contains 2 carnelian gems worth 2400 GP each.

Room 35: Green-handed shield
- A heater shield has been left on the floor here. It’s painted a light blue, with a deep green hand symbol in the center. While a bit beat-up, it’s perfectly usable.

Friday, August 16, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 124: Room format

 Okay, I think I've settled on a good format for room descriptions. The room number's gonna be in bold, followed by a few keywords so you can get an at-a-glance feel or reminder of what's in there. After that there'll be some bullet points for descriptions, stat blocks, treasure, and other stuff. So, for example...

Room 27: gambling orcs x6, 56 SP

- 6 orcs squat in the NW corner of this room, muttering as they roll dice. They have 56 SP between them.

    - Orc: HD:1 AC:14 ATK:Club(1d6) SAVE:17 MOVE:12 Carrying: Club & Leather Armor

For future blog updates, I'm gonna post three rooms picked at random from the week's work. The deadline's probably good to actually keep me working.

And to the couple of you who actually read this thing, thanks for sticking with me this far. I know it's not the most exciting thing, so I appreciate it.

Friday, August 9, 2024

SKELGAMOG! Update 123: Monsters are finished

 Got the last few areas done, so that's it for stocking. That means it's on to the next phase of the project; actually writing this thing. Gotta work out how I'm actually gonna format room entries, but that shouldn't be too hard.